Managing the health situation, start of the school year for all and outlook
The National Security Council extended to include the Minister-Presidents met on Thursday 20 August to take stock of the epidemiological situation and to determine the measures that should be extended and those that could be relaxed. In addition to managing our health situation, the measures in place in recent weeks were aimed at safeguarding the start of the new school year – in other words, getting the circulation of the virus sufficiently under control to allow all children to return…
Additional measures to strengthen the double strategy to fight the Corona virus' resurgence
The National Security Council, extended to include the ministers-president, met today in view of the evolution of the epidemiological situation, which is permanently monitored. Based on the new health information, a new report was requested from Celeval last weekend. On the basis of this report, it was decided to strengthen the double strategy – national and local – introduced last week to tackle the resurgence of the virus. National approach To this end, it is decided that the…
Requirement to wear masks is extended, tighter controls and local lockdowns
A combined national and local approach to curb the coronavirus epidemic On 23 July, the National Security Council (NSC), enlarged to include the Minister-Presidents, met to take stock of the health situation and to take the necessary measures. In view of the epidemiological indicators, it was decided not to trigger phase 5 of the phase-out plan. Therefore, the maximum number of people present at receptions and events with an audience will remain the same. Regarding fairs and exhibitions, it is…
The Consultative Committee extends the requirement to wear a face mask
The Consultative Committee met today, Thursday 9 July, in the presence of the Group of Experts in charge of the Exit Strategy (GEES). The experts submitted a new report recommending an extension of the obligation to wear a face mask. This brings them in line with the advisory report of the Superior Health Council, which was issued this morning. On this basis, the Consultative Committee decided to extend the obligation to wear a face mask, following the new GEES recommendations. As a reminder,…
Decision of the Consultative Committee on travel abroad
Today, Wednesday 8 July, the Consultative Committee met in the presence of the Group of Experts in charge of the Exit Strategy (GEES) to define the epidemiological strategy regarding people who return from so-called “high-risk” zones, as part of the fight against Covid-19 in Belgium. The National Security Council has already regulated non-essential travel abroad by strictly limiting the list of countries accessible for Belgians to European member states and/or countries in the…
Phase 4 of the phasing out will start on 1 July
The National Security Council, extended to include the ministers-president, reached an agreement to proceed with phase 4 of the phasing-out from 1 July, on the basis of the agreement of the GEES experts, who refers to the favourable evolution of the epidemiological situation. The six golden rules remain in force: compliance with hygiene measures; preferably organize activities in open air; taking extra precautions for people who are in high-risk groups; respecting safety distances; the…
New measures for the third part of the Federal Plan for Social and Economic Protection
The Inner Cabinet extended with the parties that support the Federal Government reached an agreement on Friday about a series of additional support measures related to the third part of the Federal Plan for Social and Economic Protection. As a reminder, a first set of measures was adopted on 6 June[1]. It was agreed at the time that an extension of this series of measures would be considered in a second phase. The newly agreed support measures can be divided into two categories. A first part…
Agreement of the Inner Cabinet + 10 on spending power support measures for Belgians and industries in difficulty
The Inner Cabinet, extended to include the 10 parties supporting the Federal Government, have adopted a series of measures from the third part of the Federal Plan for Social and Economic Protection. A first package contains measures already taken by the federal government, which will be extended. The most important measures are: temporary unemployment due to corona force majeure; the bridging right for the self-employed; and corona parental leave. These measures are extended until 31 August.…
Start of Phase 3 of the phase-out plan starting on 8 June
Today, Wednesday, June 3, the National Security Council, extended to include the Ministers-President, approved the transition to Phase 3 of the phase-out plan starting on 8 June. As the daily reporting from the health authorities shows, the health indicators are encouraging. The experts have therefore given the green light to start this new phase. This implies a radical change in approach compared to the rules that have been in force so far. After all, from now on, freedom is the rule and what…
The third part of the Federal Plan for Social and Economic Protection is being prepared
The Inner Cabinet met this morning, Friday 29 May, to define the contours of the third part of the Federal Plan for Social and Economic Protection. As a reminder, the first two parts of this Plan were activated on 6 and 20 March and involved a series of measures to support employees, the self-employed and companies in difficulties. The aim of this third part is to continue and strengthen measures to support spending power, activity levels and employment in the coming months. The third part of…